Design, Concept

︎ Type: Publication
︎ Period: 2019
︎ Medium: Digital
︎ Status: On-going

Anachronis is a biannual encyclopedic–publication.

Each volume holds an account of memoirs, chronicles, and stories from the eyes of visiting authors. Included are portrayals of philosophy and life moments. The publication features designs, artwork and writing.

The origin of the publication name comes from the word anachronism. 

According to Cambridge Dictionary, the word anachronism is defined as:

a person, thing, or idea that exists out of its time in history, especially one that happened or existed later than the period being shown, discussed, etc.:

someone or something placed in the wrong period in history, or something that belongs to the past rather than the present:
Oxford Languages
mid 17th century: from Greek anakhronismos, from ana- ‘backwards’ + khronos ‘time’.